What are the 8 signs of addiction


Active member
Hello everyone! I am looking for some help with understanding the 8 signs of addiction. I am particularly interested in learning more about how to recognize addiction in a loved one and how to help them break free from it. Does anyone have any insights or experience with this topic? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Signs of Addiction

1. Tolerance - A person develops a tolerance to a particular substance or activity over time, meaning that they need to take/do more of it in order to get the same effect.

2. Withdrawal - When a person stops using a particular substance or activity, they may experience physical or emotional symptoms such as nausea, headaches, irritability, or depression.

3. Loss of Control - A person feels unable to control their use of a substance or activity, and may continue to use it despite negative consequences.

4. Cravings - A person experiences intense cravings for a particular substance or activity, even if they don’t want to use it.

5. Neglect of Other Activities - A person begins to neglect their other activities and hobbies in order to use a particular substance or engage in a particular activity.

6. Risky Behavior - A person may take risks in order to use a substance or engage in an activity, such as driving under the influence or participating in unprotected sex.

7. Lack of Responsibility - A person may neglect their duties and responsibilities in order to use a substance or engage in an activity.

8. Negative Consequences - A person may experience negative consequences as a result of their addiction, such as financial problems, relationship difficulties, or health issues.


Active member
There are 8 common signs of addiction. These include: 1) craving the substance or activity; 2) loss of control over use or behavior; 3) physical tolerance; 4) withdrawal symptoms; 5) neglecting social, occupational, or recreational activities; 6) persistent use despite harmful consequences; 7) continued use despite physical or psychological problems; and 8) giving up other activities in favor of the substance or activity. If you or someone you know is exhibiting any of these signs, it is important to seek help immediately.


Active member
1. Loss of Control: One of the most prominent signs of addiction is when an individual is unable to control their use of a substance or behavior. They may have tried to reduce or stop their use, but without success.

2. Increasing Tolerance: Another sign of addiction is when an individual needs more and more of a substance or behavior to get the same effect. This is known as developing a tolerance.

3. Withdrawal Symptoms: When an individual stops using a substance or engaging in a behavior they may experience physical or emotional withdrawal symptoms. This is because the body has become dependent on the substance or behavior.

4. Neglecting Responsibilities: When an individual is prioritizing their substance use or behavior over their everyday responsibilities, it can be a sign of addiction. This includes responsibilities such as work, school, or family.

5. Relationship Problems: Addiction can cause strain in relationships and friendships. An individual may be more focused on their substance use or behavior, which can lead to neglecting their relationships.

6. Unsuccessful Attempts to Stop: When an individual has tried to stop their substance use or behavior but is unable to do so, it is a sign of addiction.

7. Preoccupation: When an individual is constantly thinking about their substance use or behavior, or how to get access to it, it can be a sign of addiction.

8. Neglecting Physical Appearance: When an individual is neglecting their physical appearance due to their substance use or behavior, it can be a sign of addiction. This can include not maintaining personal hygiene, or not taking care of themselves physically.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Question: What are the 8 signs of addiction?

Answer: The 8 signs of addiction are: craving, loss of control, physical tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, neglecting responsibilities, conflict, risky behavior, and continuing use despite negative consequences. Cravings can be physical or psychological, and are a strong desire to use a substance or engage in a behavior. Loss of control is when you can’t stop using despite your best efforts. Physical tolerance is the need to use more of the substance or engage in the behavior more often to achieve the same effect. Withdrawal symptoms occur when the substance or behavior is stopped. Neglecting responsibilities can include not showing up to work or school, not taking care of oneself, and not meeting family and social obligations. Conflict is when a person’s addiction causes them to argue with family, friends, or co-workers. Risky behavior is when a person’s addiction leads them to do things that could be harmful to themselves or others. Lastly, continuing use despite negative consequences is when a person continues to use a substance or engage in a behavior even though it has caused harm.