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  1. Guide

    Can I live a long life with pancreatitis

    Question: What lifestyle changes can I make to help me live longer with pancreatitis? When living with pancreatitis, it is important to make lifestyle changes to help ensure a longer, healthier life. To begin, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and avoid foods that are greasy or high in...
  2. Guide

    Is agoraphobia a real phobia

    Yes, agoraphobia is a real phobia. It is an anxiety disorder that involves a fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or embarrassing, or where help might not be available if needed. Agoraphobia can involve fear of open or public places, leaving home, traveling in a car, bus...
  3. Guide

    What will happen if athlete's foot is left untreated

    If athlete's foot is left untreated it can spread to other parts of the body, such as the toenails and groin area. It can also become very painful and cause the skin on the feet to crack and bleed, which can lead to infection. In some cases, the infection can spread and cause cellulitis, a more...
  4. Guide

    How is Lupus diagnosed

    Query: What are the common tests used to diagnose lupus? Common tests used to diagnose lupus include blood tests such as a complete blood count (CBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and antinuclear antibody (ANA) testing. Additional tests may include a chest x-ray, urinalysis, and a...
  5. Guide

    When does hair loss from alopecia occur

    It is difficult to say when alopecia will cause hair loss as this is a condition that affects individuals differently. Generally speaking, people who develop alopecia usually start to see signs of hair loss within a few weeks or months of the onset of the condition. Some people may see dramatic...
  6. Guide

    When does the body burn the most fat

    Answer: The body burns the most fat during periods of intense exercise and physical activity. When your body is working hard, it needs additional energy to perform the task at hand, and this energy is usually provided by burning fat. This is why it's important to incorporate regular physical...
  7. Guide

    How often do seasonal allergies change

    Seasonal allergies can, and often do, change from year to year. Allergens, the substances our bodies respond to as allergens, are often dependent on environmental conditions. Pollen levels, for instance, can vary in intensity and quantity from year to year, depending on local weather patterns...
  8. Guide

    How is Africa Addressing Water Management and Access to Clean Water

    "What are the most pressing water management issues facing Africa today?" The most pressing water management issues facing Africa today include water scarcity, water pollution, and inadequate infrastructure. Water scarcity is a growing problem due to the increasing demand for water, coupled...
  9. Guide

    What did anthrax appear to be like

    Q: What did anthrax look like when it was first discovered? When anthrax was first discovered in the mid-1800s, it was identified as a distinct round-shaped, rod-like microorganism. It had a capsule surrounding it, giving it a distinct, oval-shaped appearance. Under the microscope, it had a...
  10. Guide

    Does jaw cyst spread

    No, jaw cysts do not typically spread. Jaw cysts are non-cancerous, fluid-filled sacs that form in the jawbone and are usually caused by an impacted wisdom tooth. Treatment typically involves draining the cyst with a needle or surgical removal, and in most cases, the cyst does not return. In...
  11. Guide

    Can a 7 year old have neuroblastoma

    Question: What is neuroblastoma? Neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that originates in the developing nerve cells of the sympathetic nervous system. It is the most common type of solid tumor in young children and can occur at any age, although it is most commonly found in infants and children...
  12. Guide

    Is Gülşen anorexic

    "My girlfriend has been constantly obsessing over her weight and body shape lately and I'm worried she might have an eating disorder. What can I do?" The first and most important thing to do is to talk to your girlfriend about your concerns. Let her know that you care about her and you want to...
  13. Guide

    Who gets aggressive periodontitis

    Query: How can I prevent aggressive periodontitis? The best way to prevent aggressive periodontitis is to practice good oral hygiene. This includes brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day, using a fluoride toothpaste, and getting regular professional cleanings. Cutting down on sugary...
  14. Guide

    How many calories do anorexia patients consume per day

    Anorexia is a complex disorder that affects a person's relationship with food. The amount of calories consumed by an individual with anorexia can vary significantly, depending on the severity of the condition. Generally, anorexic individuals consume far fewer calories than the average person. It...
  15. Guide

    What is the difference between PVD and PAD

    PVD and PAD are acronyms for two different types of peripheral artery disease. PVD stands for peripheral vascular disease and is caused by a narrowing of the blood vessels which restricts the flow of blood to the limbs. PAD stands for peripheral artery disease and is caused by a buildup of...
  16. Guide

    What can trigger schizophrenia

    Question: What are some of the environmental and genetic factors that can trigger schizophrenia? Answer: Environmental factors that can trigger schizophrenia include exposure to a traumatic or stressful event, living in an urban setting, and growing up in a family with a history of mental...
  17. Guide

    Why is albinism more common in Africa

    Albinism is more common in Africa because of the higher prevalence of recessive alleles that can lead to albinism in the population. This is due to the genetic structure of the African population, which is largely descended from a small number of ancestral populations. As such, the population is...
  18. Guide

    How do you feel when you have anaemia

    Query: I am feeling really tired and weak lately and I think I might have anaemia. What should I do? Answer: If you are feeling unusually exhausted and weak, it is advisable to get yourself tested for anaemia. You can visit your doctor to get a blood test done and confirm if you have anaemia...
  19. Guide

    Is diclofenac gel good for frozen shoulder

    Yes, diclofenac gel can be beneficial for treating frozen shoulder. It is an effective topical anti-inflammatory medication, which helps to reduce inflammation and swelling in the affected area. Applying the gel on the shoulder enables the active ingredients to be absorbed directly into the...
  20. Guide

    What does 'e4' mean

    E4 is an abbreviation that typically stands for the pawn chess piece. It is generally used in algebraic chess notation, which uses a grid of letters and numbers to identify each of the 64 squares on a chess board. The letters A to H correspond to the columns, and the numbers 1 to 8 correspond to...