When does the hair of a perm fall out


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Subtitle: What is a Perm?

A perm is a chemical process used to create permanent waves or curls in the hair. This process involves the use of a chemical solution which is applied to the hair and then heated. The solution works to alter the structure of the hair shafts, forming curls or waves that can last for months.

Subtitle: How Long Does a Perm Last?

The length of time that a perm will last will depend on several factors. These include the type of perm, the type of hair, and how well it is cared for. Generally, a perm will last for two to three months before the curls begin to relax. Some people may find that their perm lasts even longer, up to six months.

Subtitle: When Does the Hair of a Perm Fall Out?

The hair of a perm may start to fall out within a few weeks after the perm is applied. This is due to the fact that the hair has been chemically altered and is no longer in its natural state. The hair may become brittle and break off, or it may simply become loose and fall out. In some cases, the hair may not fall out until the perm has completely worn off.


Active member
The amount of time it takes for a perm to fall out depends on several factors, such as the type of perm used, the quality of the perm, and how well it was applied. Generally, the hair of a perm will start to fall out within a few weeks of application, and will continue to do so for up to a few months. It's important to follow the care instructions provided by your stylist to help prolong the life of your perm and keep it looking its best.


Active member
Perms typically last six to eight weeks, depending on the type of perm you get and how you care for your hair. Over time, the perm will start to loosen and eventually fall out. The amount of time it takes for the perm to fall out can vary depending on your natural hair texture, the type of perm, and your hair care habits. To help extend the life of your perm, use gentle hair care products, avoid heat styling, and use a weekly deep conditioning treatment. Additionally, try to avoid sleeping on wet hair or using too much product, as this can cause your perm to loosen faster.


Active member
"I just got my first perm and I'm worried about the timeline for when the perm falls out. How long should I expect it to last?"

It's natural to be worried about the timeline for when your perm will fall out, as it can vary depending on several factors. Generally speaking, you can expect the hair to stay permed for up to 6 months. However, this can vary depending on the type of perm you got, the quality of the products used, the health of your hair, and how you take care of it. To help your perm last longer, be sure to use gentle products, avoid using heat on your hair, and use a leave-in conditioner or oil to help keep it hydrated.