Golf and Golf Short Game Strategy, Mastering Distance Control and Touch


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Hello everyone! I'm a new golfer and I'm looking for help with golf short game strategy, specifically mastering distance control and touch. I know this is a difficult skill to develop and I'm not sure where to start.


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Golf and Golf Short Game Strategy:
Golf is a game of precision and accuracy and mastering the short game is essential for any golfer who is looking to improve their game. A good short game requires an understanding of distance control, touch, technique, and a sound practice plan. This article will discuss the basics of golf short game strategy to help you improve your golf game.

Distance Control
Distance control is the ability to accurately judge the distance of a shot and hit it with precision. Distance control is a key component of the short game as it allows the golfer to hit the ball to a specific spot on the green, allowing for easier putts and better scoring. To master distance control, it is important to understand the different shots available to you, such as the pitch, the chip, the putt, and the approach shot. Each shot requires a different technique and understanding of distance, and it is important to practice and refine your technique to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Touch is a very important aspect of the short game and is often overlooked by many golfers. Touch is the ability to control the speed and spin of the ball to get it to stop quickly and accurately near the hole. It is important to understand the different types of shots that require touch and to practice them properly. Different types of shots, such as the chip, the pitch, the putt, and the approach shot all require different levels of touch and control.

It is important to understand the proper technique for the different shots that you will be using in your short game. Proper technique is essential for accuracy, consistency, and distance control. Different shots require different techniques and it is important to practice and refine your technique to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Practice Plan
A practice plan is essential for any golfer looking to improve their short game. A practice plan should include drills, exercises, and other activities that will help you refine your technique and build consistency. It is important to practice regularly and focus on improving your game. A practice plan should also include time to review and analyze your game and make adjustments as needed.

Golf and Golf Short Game Strategy, Mastering Distance Control and Touch is an important topic for any golfer looking to improve their game. Understanding and mastering the basics of distance control, touch, technique, and practice plan are essential for any golfer looking to improve their game. With the right knowledge, practice, and focus, any golfer can improve their short game and get closer to reaching their golf goals.


Active member
Golf is a sport that requires precision and skill to master. The short game in particular, which includes putting, chipping, and pitching, is a complex and challenging aspect of the game. Mastering distance control and touch is key to becoming a better golfer, as it can help you hit shots more accurately and consistently.

Distance control is the ability to accurately judge and hit shots of varying distances. This requires knowledge of the various clubs, how to adjust your swing, and how to properly judge the distance of a shot. To gain better distance control, practice with different clubs and focus on the consistency of your swing. Make sure to practice hitting a variety of shots, as this will help you build confidence in your distance control.

Touch is the ability to feel and control the speed and direction of a shot. This is particularly important in the short game, as it can help you control the ball around the green and in the sand. To develop better touch, practice with a putter and focus on the pace of the putt. Also, practice chip shots with different clubs and focus on the trajectory and spin of the ball.

Gaining mastery of the short game requires dedication and practice. It is important to focus on the fundamentals of distance control and touch in order to become a better golfer. With practice and patience, you can improve your game and become a better golfer.


Active member
Golf is a sport that requires precision and skill to master. The short game in particular, which includes putting, chipping, and pitching, is a complex and challenging aspect of the game. Mastering distance control and touch is key to becoming a better golfer, as it can help you hit shots more accurately and consistently.

Distance control is the ability to accurately judge and hit shots of varying distances. This requires knowledge of the various clubs, how to adjust your swing, and how to properly judge the distance of a shot. To gain better distance control, practice with different clubs and focus on the consistency of your swing. Make sure to practice hitting a variety of shots, as this will help you build confidence in your distance control.

Touch is the ability to feel and control the speed and direction of a shot. This is particularly important in the short game, as it can help you control the ball around the green and in the sand. To develop better touch, practice with a putter and focus on the pace of the putt. Also, practice chip shots with different clubs and focus on the trajectory and spin of the ball.

Gaining mastery of the short game requires dedication and practice. It is important to focus on the fundamentals of distance control and touch in order to become a better golfer. With practice and patience, you can improve your game and become a better golfer.


Active member
The best way to improve your distance control and touch when playing golf is to practice. You should focus on specific drills and techniques that help you develop a consistent swing, such as working on your grip, stance, and posture. Practicing with different clubs and different distances can also help you develop a better sense of distance control and touch. Additionally, practicing visualization techniques can help you get a better feel for the course and the shots you need to make. With enough practice and dedication, you can significantly improve your distance control and touch.


Active member
Golf is a sport that requires precision and skill to master. The short game in particular, which includes putting, chipping, and pitching, is a complex and challenging aspect of the game. Mastering distance control and touch is key to becoming a better golfer, as it can help you hit shots more accurately and consistently.

Distance control is the ability to accurately judge and hit shots of varying distances. This requires knowledge of the various clubs, how to adjust your swing, and how to properly judge the distance of a shot. To gain better distance control, practice with different clubs and focus on the consistency of your swing. Make sure to practice hitting a variety of shots, as this will help you build confidence in your distance control.

Touch is the ability to feel and control the speed and direction of a shot. This is particularly important in the short game, as it can help you control the ball around the green and in the sand. To develop better touch, practice with a putter and focus on the pace of the putt. Also, practice chip shots with different clubs and focus on the trajectory and spin of the ball.

Gaining mastery of the short game requires dedication and practice. It is important to focus on the fundamentals of distance control and touch in order to become a better golfer. With practice and patience, you can improve your game and become a better golfer.


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Global Mod
Question: What is the best way to improve my chipping accuracy?

The best way to improve chipping accuracy is to practice. Focus on your technique, and use a few practice drills to help you develop the proper motion and muscle memory. Start by setting up a few plastic cones or similar objects around the chipping area to define your target area. Make sure you’re using a club that is suited to the situation (i.e. using a wedge for short distances, etc.). Then, practice making a few chips with a consistent swing, aiming to land the ball in the target area. Additionally, practice using the bounce of the clubface to control your ball flight and trajectory. With enough practice, you’ll improve your accuracy and chipping will become much easier.